Acrylic Versus Resin Dice | Rollacrit

Here at Rollacrit, we LOVE dice. In fact, we love dice so much, it’s rare to find a Rollacrit ronin who only has one set. Because we like dice so much, we know that not all dice are created equal (and some of us are very opinionated about that). Recently, a few of us started talking about our favorite dice sets, and we noticed that they were pretty split between acrylic and resin. So, not being chemists, we decided to do some research on these materials to see if we could discover why some of us preferred one over the other.

Whether it comes down to personal preference, quality, or design, we’re here to help you explore the differences between acrylic and resin dice. And who know, maybe we’ll explore other dice types too… metal dice anyone?


Breaking Down the Difference

(We’re starting with acrylic dice because we’re a fan of alphabetical order, not because it’s our favorite.) In order to understand the difference between these two types of dice, we need to talk about the way they’re made. Acrylic dice are made with transparent plastic materials that are relatively easy and affordable to create. When filling a mold, the acrylic compound will need to cool in order to harden.

Resin dice, on the other hand, is a composite blend that hardens via chemical reaction. Like acrylic material, it can imitate the look of more expensive materials (like wood, stone, and even metal) without costing a lot of money. However, in terms of cost, resin is more expensive than acrylic material.

Even though it’s tempting to say that because something is more expensive, it’s “better,” that’s not necessarily the case. Resin’s more expensive because it involves two chemicals that are separate and combine to form a solid. Speaking of chemicals, when creating dice from molds, the resin dice molds are more likely to last longer than acrylic molds because of the chemical reaction.

But the biggest difference isn’t the way they’re made. It’s the way they feel. Some dice enthusiasts notice that acrylic and resin dice FEEL different. Go ahead, put a pair in each hand. You’ll probably notice that the resin dice feel harder because it’s a harder material. And if you have two transparent sets, you might even notice that the resin seems to shine more (and reflects shine more). That’s mostly due to the chemical reaction involved in creating the resin dice (and the way it sets). But even though the material feels harder, it’s not really that noticeable unless you’re actively feeling it for a difference.

We’re not playing favorites, and we’re definitely not going to start another dice war by saying one material is better than the other. To us, all dice are beautiful (unless it’s a transparent dice design filled with toenails. That’s nasty). But the next time you’re looking at a dice set, see if it’s acrylic or resin.

Do you have a dice preference? Let us know!


About the Author:

Michael Baker is the main content writer at Rollacrit with a flair for haiku. He previously wrote for ThinkGeek (and a bunch of other places). In his spare time, he enjoys playing tabletop games, writing about comics and pop culture, and cultivating his dog’s Instagram presence.


1 comment


I was really surprised in your comparison of resin dice to acrylic Nothing was mentioned of the rolling of the dice. Different dice roll differently. I read the article because I wanted to know which rolled better. Oh well!

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