Internet Minimum Advertised Price (IMAP) Policy Rollacrit Corp. (“Rollacrit”)

Rollacrit has adopted this Policy applicable to all Rollacrit retailers effective April 20, 2020, with respect to the retailers’ advertising over the Internet of Rollacrit supplied by Rollacrit. 

We are dedicated to fostering the collective interests of our partners, including distributors, resellers, and physical retail outlets, along with their clientele. In pursuit of this goal, Rollacrit has formulated this Retailer Policy (“Policy”) to articulate our preferred pricing guidelines for Rollacrit products.

This Policy serves as a declaration of Rollacrit’s pricing preferences for its merchandise resellers. While resellers are at liberty to set their pricing, the intent of this policy is not to impose, coerce, or establish any agreements with any reseller regarding specific pricing for Rollacrit merchandise.


  • End-User: An individual who purchases a product from a retailer for personal use and not to resell.
  • Rollacrit Product: Any merchandise currently available for sale by Rollacrit.
  • IMAP: The lowest price at which any Rollacrit Product may be advertised online, as detailed on Rollacrit’s website or as communicated by Rollacrit.
  • You: Any entity that sells Rollacrit Products to End Users, including resellers, distributors, e-commerce platforms, physical stores, or other sales venues.

IMAP Policy:

  • Refrain from advertising any Rollacrit Product below the IMAP as published.
  • Ad copy must not misrepresent the brand or products and must not be misleading (e.g., ads may not try to impersonate Rollacrit).
  • Online, Pay-Per-Click (“PPC”) ads for Rollacrit branded terms may never appear above Rollacrit ads. Rollacrit ads should always appear above your online ads. Branded terms are all trademarks.
  • Rollacrit reserves the right to cancel all orders and deny acceptance of new orders for any Rollacrit Product from those who do not adhere to this Policy.
  • This IMAP Policy applies within the United States and Canada.
  • Rollacrit may exempt certain Rollacrit Products from this policy at its sole discretion.
  • Rollacrit may designate specific periods when the IMAP Policy is not in effect for retailers, which will be communicated via Rollacrit’s website.
  • Rollacrit may periodically provide additional clarifications regarding this Policy, including a FAQ section on its website.
  • Rollacrit will independently assess compliance with this Policy regarding the advertisement, offer, or sale of Rollacrit Products.
  • You may not sell Rollacrit products to any other person who advertises or otherwise, promotes Rollacrit over the Internet at a net price less than the IMAP, or sell Rollacrit products to any other person who advertises or otherwise promotes Rollacrit on Amazon at a net price less than the IMAP established by Rollacrit.

Sales Channel Restrictions:

  • You are permitted to sell Rollacrit games on your proprietary online storefronts but are prohibited from selling Rollacrit games as a third-party seller on platforms including, but not limited to:
    • B&


  • This policy will not be modified for any retailer.
  • Nothing within this Policy constitutes a contractual agreement between Rollacrit and any retailer.

Should you wish to report non-compliance with this Policy, you may send details to However, Rollacrit personnel will not acknowledge, respond to, or engage in discussions regarding such reports or the enforcement of this Policy.