You know how we roll here at Rollacrit (wow, a dice pun in the first sentence; groundbreaking). We love talking about game night food. In fact, one of our first blogs was about foods to avoid whilst playing your favorite tabletop game. But today, we’re shifting gears (mostly because we’re hungry at the moment) to talk about the best kinds of food to bring to the table when you're playing D&D. Grab your utensils, and let’s dive in!
It may be difficult to spell, but “oh my,” is it delicious to eat. There’s nothing like bringing a sampling of meats, veggies, and cheeses to the table. Oh, and don’t forget the crackers or bread. Our mouths are already watering just thinking about it! And best of all, charcuterie is usually pretty small, so if you need to make an important roll, you can set it down relatively easily. Finger foods are the best.

Make It a Theme
Did you know D&D has an official cookbook? Look it up! It’s called Heroes’ Feast, and it has human, elven, dwarven, halfling, and even uncommon cuisine. And drinks too! While most of these recipes are straight-up full meals, there are some clever appetizers and finger foods in here as well. If you don’t want to do all the cooking, you can ask your party to bring a dish inspired by the character they’re playing (and maybe even roleplay a dinner party in-game).

For Your Sweet Tooth
Don’t feel like a full meal or fancy plate of cheeses on game night? There’s nothing wrong with pleasing your sweet tooth with savory treats. Just remember to avoid greasy foods that might stain your character sheet, or make your fingers too slippery to do a quality roll. Candy, dehydrated fruit, and kettle corn popcorn would make great choices. But we'd recommend avoiding prunes... for obvious reasons.
So, there you have it! Glorious foods you can eat on your next D&D Campaign. We’re already hungry just thinking about it. Okay, let's be honest — we were hungry before we even started writing this blog. And now we're going to reward ourselves with food.